Camp Weider

Om å svelge tjukke, feite kameler

Mari Weider

Advarsel - innlegg skrevet av en bortskjemt, sutrete drittunge som har mistet «isen sin i bakken»... 

En lang, vond høst er «endelig» over, og kroppen + hodet var innstilt på den berømte Off-seasonen. Bare tanken på å stille seg på startstreken og skulle prestere nå får meg nesten til å spy...og hamstringene (ja flertall nå) skriker i protest....

Da jeg reiste til Island hadde jeg 4 mål: 

- stå øverst på pallen i alder ✅

- løpe 50 miles ✅...bare med litt nye regler

- kvalifisere meg til OCRWC ✅

- kvalifisere meg til Spartan European Championship ❌ 

Jeg sendte #lykkelig melding til Marie da vi kom hjem, Yess - Dolomittene er i boks! Hvorpå hun svarer «Eg true isje det gjelds...». Hjertet sank ned i magen min og nye planer ble lagt, planer som torpederer andre planer, det gjør vondt når man må  velge mellom to løp som betyr mye, velge mellom personer man er veldig veldig glad i. I tillegg er det jo risikosport å forsøke å kvale til noe en uke før et mesterskap. Og om man i beste fall klarer det, er løpet i verste fall utsolgt...

I går kom alle mailene om Qualification til Spartan European Championship. Min største drøm og mål i år...og utrolig kjipt er det da når et mesterskap gjelder og et annet ikke, forvirrende og irriterende når man velger «feil» mesterskap. Dog er Island et løp i mitt hjerte og jeg angrer ikke! Men etter div uforståelige forklaringer fra Spartan gir jeg «beng»  nå og innser at det nå kun er 1,5 måneder til sesongen starter. Flyreiser må googles, intervaller må løpes og den j*vla hamstringen må fikses NU! Det kjennes ikke Ok ut, jeg er ikke klar - men eneste fordelen er at det er et par andre personer der som betyr veldig mye for meg og som forhåpentlig kommer til å gjøre opplevelsen god! (Jeg sa det var et sutrete innlegg ikke sant...)



Double trouble!

Mari Weider

Liggende flat på ryggen på sofaen. Supermann er Seff igang med sin andre økt for dagen mens jeg spiser sjokolade...altså... Men med hvilepuls og for så vidt god samvittighet. 18 km på ski, div kjøring og henting av barn i bakken + ekte søndagsmiddag! I tillegg hadde jeg en deadline. Uken har vært helt latterlig travel så jeg har ikke hatt et sekund til overs før idag. Jeg har nemlig fått en forespørsel jeg er utrolig stolt og ydmyk over! Jeg en 43 år gammel, middelmådig dame som bare gjør det jeg synes er gøy. Har fått denne ærefulle oppgaven. Jeg tør ikke helt fortelle alt enda, men gjett om jeg gleder meg til å vise dere! Fy søren skal bli så gøy - stikkord er motivasjon og «the Why»! Definitivt nok til at jeg burde dra julegrisrumpa mi ut av sofaen og ihvertfall få tøyd og bøyd litt på kroppen!

Imorgen starter en ny og herlig uke - kun to nattevakter = masse muligheter for å trene! Imorgen blir det intervaller på dagen og litt rehab-øvelser, før styrke med Karoline på kvelden. Nora er endelig igang med fotball igjen fra imorgen så da er juleferien offisielt slutt. Tirsdag tenker jeg blir en løpetur, onsdag styrke igjen (eller hinderlek hos Bjarte???), torsdag en løpeøkt før fjellet kaller fredag. Vi har vært superheldige og fått låne leilighet på skeikampen denne helgen og det betyr trikkeskinner, skøyteturer i måneskinn og mest sannsynlig en deilig lang tur med hele gjengen på lørdagen!  

Jeg gleder meg til å ta fatt på en uke fyllt med muligheter for masse trening, litt rydding - men også litt kjedelig voksenting som må til! 




Man blir ikke verdensmester av å ikke trene!

Mari Weider

...sitat slutt fra Sjefen i huset. Jeg ønsket han god tur, tok skittentøykurven min med rent tøy og la meg på sofaen for å massere hamstringen.  

Etter en hard uke på  jobb med en kid i bakken hver dag og en som avsluttet med skoleball i natt - kjente jeg at kroppen trengte en god natts søvn, huset trengs en ryddings og om to timer skal vi uansett være tilbake på oslo movement for offisiell åpning av det nye senteret.

Dere husker jeg hadde bursdagen min der - utrolig kult og så enormt langt ut av komfortsonen som man bare kan være! Men når 20 mennesker smiler og ler kontinuerlig i 2 timer...ja da må det være bra greier. Dessuten inspirerer disse menneskene meg! Ydmyke, stille mennesker, ikke kledd i noe fancy dyrt treningstøy - men i det de flyr over treningsmatta i trickingsalen eller over boksene i parkourrommet...ja da høres bare et stille «ohhhh» fra alle tilskuerne. Og når de så sier - dette skal dere gjøre! - en rå latter tilbake. For det ser altså helt umulig ut. Men om man bare kunne lært en brøkdel av disse gutta, blitt bare bitte bitte litt i nærheten så god...ja det hadde vært gøy det!

Idag er det jentenes tur - dessverre skal alt skje på en dag - så FunRun til fineste Camilla og Tim må utgå i år til fordel for å se på jentene hoppe og sprette. Og ikveld - julebord med beste teamet - men imorgen, ja imorgen skal jeg bli litt verdensmester jeg og ;) 



Bursdagsintervaller og parkournewbie

Mari Weider

Først må jeg si tusen tusen takk for alle hilsningene jeg fikk på bursdagen min. Det er nesten det beste med hele bursdagen - å lese alle hilsningene som kommer gjennom dagen og faktisk også de påfølgende dagene. Blir like overrasket og glad hver eneste gang over alle som tar seg tid til å skrive noen ord, og jeg blir helt varm innvendig av de snille ordene deres! Tusen tusen takk!

Jeg fikk mange spørsmål om jeg fikk frokost på sengen, ble vartet opp og fikk mange flotte gaver - vel jeg fikk sove lenge, jeg fikk tatt meg en tur på sats og løpe intervaller, jeg fikk kose meg med begge jentene mine og jeg fikk teste parkour med verdens beste venner + de rådyktige gutta fra Oslo Movement! For meg er det den beste bursdagen jeg kunne fått! Smilet mitt gikk sånn ca trill rundt hele dagen! 

That true moment of pure happiness

That true moment of pure happiness

Januar er igang - og det samme er min desperate jakt på en anstendig løpeform til sesongen 2019. Jeg har i år som ifjor endel mål jeg ønsker å nå men da må jeg jobbe på. Det er Off-season og jeg vet mange snakker om rolige langturer og om å bygge kapasitet. Jeg kan for lite og har nok skjønt at det er dette som må til, men likevel klarer jeg ikke helt å slippe intervaller. Jeg innbiller meg at intervaller en gang i uka fortsatt kan være en god ting så derfor ble det disse bakkeintervallene på bursdagen min: 



For de som kan litt om løping er de nok latterlig enkle, men når formen er der den er så får det bare være sånn! Det som er motiverende med disse intervallene er at man gjør en endring hvert minutt og da går plutselig de 4 minuttene hvert intervall varer fort unna. I tillegg snur man etter 3 runder og da begynner man med den høyeste inclinen og går nedover, det blir altså lettere jo mer sliten man blir (digg?)! Tilsammen blir det 6 x 4 minutter med jobbing og 2 mins pause mellom hvert drag. Etterhvert som formen kommer tilbake kan inclinen og også farten økes! 



Parkourøkten hos Oslo movement må jeg nesten ta i et eget innlegg så gøy var det! Nå er det straks tacokveld her - og en ekstra takk til Fretex som kom som en reddende engel idag etter at jeg sendte mobilen min ned i containeren deres...#denfølelsen når du hører en myk jakke si «klunk» i bunnen av containeren.... 

God helg liksom :)




1. januar 2019 - Godt nytt år alle sammen!

Mari Weider

Nytt år, nye muligheter - den store dagen for nyttårsforsetter og gode løfter. Løfter som i hvert fall jeg stort sett klarer  å holde i 1,5 dager eller noe. Løfter om mindre godteri, mer trening osv. Jeg har nok egentlig blitt for gammel til nyttårsforsetter - i stedet vil jeg ønske meg…

  • et år med smertefri løping (!)

  • flere herlige opplevelser med gode venner

  • spennende reiser til nye steder

Jeg kan vel ikke få startet 2019 bedre enn med deilig kalkunmiddag hos mamma i kveld - og i morgen - wow - hvor heldig er ikke jeg som får feire bursdagen min med noen av de kuleste, morsomste og fineste menneskene jeg vet på parkour-bursdag i de nye lokalene til Oslo movement på Ryen! Gjett om jeg gleder meg, skal bli så gøy - tipper jeg ikke vinner noen konkurranse der, men blir mer å vinne over seg selv ved å tørre å prøve nye ting!


Et annet ønske for 2019 er å få oppleve dette igjen! Spartan ultra world champs 2019 - men hvor skal det være tro??? 

31.december - Ulrikke Evensen

Mari Weider

Did you think it was over?? Well - it is not! It is time to say Thank you to 2018 and welcome to 2019. And to do that I have saved this amazing girl. Ulrikke is a Spartan lover, Toughest Mudder crusher - she is a fighter - and after a season with injuries, I am super excited about seeing how far she can go. She passed me by at OCRWC and I still regret not stopping her, but as I have said before in this calendar it is strange how you see people as idols, but probably, and hopefully they would just be happy to say hi! Next year I will come say Hi Ulrikke!

Name, age and team/country:

Ulrikke Evensen, 23 years old, Denmark


Instagram: @ulrikke_evensen     Facebook: Ulrikke Evensen – OCR Athlete             Website:


What brought you into this sport:

I actually came from a background of horseback riding and having my own showjumping horse. I sold him when I started studying software development and I’ve always been very active and been training (everything from trampoline, horseback riding, fitness/bodybuilding and polefitness) and I needed a new goal to train for. I stumbled upon Toughest in 2015, but I couldn’t make it to the Copenhagen event, so I decided to train for the one in Göteborg even though I knew nothing about the sport or anyone in it. Went to Sweden on my own and ran the event, failing half of the obstacles, but having so much fun that I immediately signed up for every OCR race that was left that winter. I’ve always wanted to be my best at what I do, so it kind of snowballed from there, and in summer 2016 I dropped out of my studies to pursue the sport as the first racer in Denmark to take that leap.

Favorite race:

This is a really tough one, I love a lot of them, but I think the one that has scared me the most and made me the most proud of myself is World’s Toughest Mudder. I also really love the Toughest 8-hour (that are now 12-hour) events. I like the longer stuff, so anything from 15-20 km and upwards is my jam. I also love the mental aspect of the endurance races.

Favorite obstacle/venue:

I love grip obstacles and anything where you’re flying, as it’s kinda scary and yet so much fun! I love Reborn’s Nutz which is flying monkey in big rotating bolts. My favourite venue would have to be the Spartan venue in Oberndorf/Tirol. That scenery is so amazing, you’re running through forests, open fields, a gravel pit, up a long narrow stream as well as up a water fall, you swim through natural lakes and run up ski slopes. It has everything.

How is your training:

Very varied. I run a lot, enjoy trail running the most. I do grip strength by myself and with the Reborn OCR team. I do race specific training with a mix of cardio and obstacles and I occasionally go bouldering and take spin classes. I like to mix things up so I never get bored and I love learning new tricks on obstacles or in calisthenics.

Do you have a life motto you live by:

There’s Nothing You Can’t Do.

Your goal for 2019:

Be healthy all year. Take my performance to a new level. Crush it at OCRWC and WTM ;)


24. december - Dominique DÓliveira

Mari Weider

Christmas eve! A merry christmas to all of you, I hope you have a good one! For this christmas I have an amazing gift for you, a girl I met randomly walking the course at Toughest in Stockholm 2017. I was stuck at sternum checker (as usual) with my friends, and Dominique came by. She was so sweet and said to me “You got this, you are more than strong enought, just do like this!” …and she just flew over it. Me of course did still not. Race day we ran back and fourth with eachouther, at that race I was a little bit better runner than she, and she a little bit bette at the obstacle. That made us come equal into the ramp, and I remember I was so proud. Next time we met up was at the OCRWC 2018 and it was just amazing seeing her again. I follow all she does on IG, and she is just a totally incredible athlete. I know what 2019 is bringing for me, and there is no money to do anything more - but maybe 2020 will bring me and my fam to South Africa??? I sure know that one day I will come down to train and learn from Dominique! I really hope you will enjoy this reading!


Dominique D´Oliveira

Age: 34 (35 in January 2019)

South Africa



What brought me to OCR… (this is kinda longish, are you ready?)

Growing up, I was generally pretty active and enjoyed doing most sports but from the age of nine I found a love for gymnastics. I continued to do gymnastics for almost 14 years, 4 years of which I represented South Africa on their National Team and thereafter I received a scholarship to study at and represent the University of Utah in the United States. Doing Gymnastics became a solid foundation for me in terms of developing a keen sense of body awareness, which later helped with my OCR.

After graduating from the University of Utah (2006) I was done with gymnastics and looking for other activities to keep me busy (and healthy). I’m goal-driven by nature and not very good at sitting still so I wanted to try another sport, something that gave me a challenge to work towards. Also, I love eating, so I needed a reason to burn some extra calories 😊

While still living in Utah I was dared to do a triathlon, so I did! And I survived! When I moved back to South Africa I met a few people who were active in triathlons at the time so it seemed natural to join them on their adventures and test my hand at a few more of these swim-bike-run thingies.

This endurance stuff didn’t come naturally to me so I had to work hard on improving my longer distance fitness – especially the running! (Give me 100m sprint anyday!). I started off doing sprint triathlons then, over a number of years, gradually progressed to Olympic distance and then Half-Ironman distance. I even represented South Africa in my age group at the 2012 ITU World Championships in Auckland, New Zealand. The longer stuff was always a challenge for me, but I do like a challenge 😉

I first stumbled upon Obstacle Course Racing in 2012 when I took part in the Impi Challenge with my then boyfriend and some friends. We had loads of fun and I really enjoyed using my body in a way that reminded me a lot of my gymnastics years. There was a small competitive field at the time and I wondered how I would fair against those ladies (the competitive person in me).

With the introduction of The Warrior Race in 2013, OCR started having more of a presence in SA and a friend suggested that I try out the Black Ops Elite event (most challenging category) in the Cape Town race. Now if you haven’t guessed already, I love a challenge, so it was on like donkey kong! I had no idea where to even start prepping but I just knew I had to run a lot of trails (I probably did some pull-ups inbetween too).

As luck (and God’s grace) would have it, I won the event and have been hooked ever since!

Favourite race…


The Warrior Race – specifically the Sprint races, but I enjoy the tough obstacles in the Black Ops Elite category too.

The Grind Race once hosted an indoor 1km sprint event which I absolutely LOVED, but it was sadly just a once-off thing.


I have only done a few races overseas and have enjoyed each one for various reasons, but if I had to pick one favourite it would be TOUGHEST (I did the one in Stockholm in 2017 – where I met the beautiful Mari! 😊). I love the concept of fast lanes and challenging oneself on more technical obstacles.

Favourite obstacle:

Any technical obstacle that requires grip and movement skills.

Favourite (race) venue:

Locally – Cape Town and Durban – they have such beautiful scenery, it’s easy to forget how much you may be suffering on the course.

Internationally – one that I haven’t yet experienced 😉

My training…

(this is another long answer but will try give you the shorter version this time)

So, because I had a fair amount of experience with explosive, anaerobic trainingin gymnastics, and thereafter dabbled in endurance training for triathlons, I’ve come to a point with my training where I’m experimenting a bit with what might work better for my body type (and my age!) and what I ENJOY doing – that being the shorter, more explosive type of training.

For years I focused on building an endurance base in the beginning of the season but now I’m mixing things up a bit and doing things a little differently in 2019 so I’ll have to let you know how that works out. No matter what, it’s important to me that I have fun with what I’m doing, the rest will fall into place as it’s meant to be. Life is too short for boring sport, right?

My motto…

I have a couple of these, but this is my go-to reminder of what’s important in my sport and in life:


Goals for 2019…

- I own and coach at an obstacle training facility in Cape Town (@obstaclefitnessCT). Through this, I have the privilege of watching people grow in the sport and it’s amazing to see what it does in their personal lives too. I would love to continue to play a positive role in the lives of the people I reach and ultimately grow the sport as well.

- I would also love to try some new races (internationally). I’m VERY keen to try out something like Ninja Warrior but we don’t have it in South Africa so I need to explore the possibilities of taking part in another country.

- Keep having fun and be a better version of me.

23. december - Julie Alexandra Wahr-Hansen

Mari Weider

When you race OCR’s and aim for a good Place, maybe especially in Toughest, there is one thing you cannot do - stand on an obstacle and watch somebody else! Never ever stop! Well, I did! In Gothenburg this fall, I knew that Julie raced for a podium Place, it is always crowded in the top 5 postitions, and the ramp always turns out to be the joker. When I came to the Dragonsback she came into the ramp, and I just had to see How she did. I probably missed some places there, and she came 4th! Julie is a fighter; she has had so many injuries, so many disapointments - still she fights her way back, year after year, and she is amazing! As the rest of the girls I have been writing about she is hungry, she wants so much - yet still she is humble and kind. When talking to her in Gothenburg this fall it hits me standing next to her, no wonder she is a good runner - her legs are soooo long, almost reaches the sky. If I were you I would check her IG - it is a fantastic mix of  Pics and inspiration from withouts and races, and in between Pics of an incredibly beautiful girl!


Julie Alexandra Wahr- Hansen, 26 years, Norwegian



How did you get into OCR?

It was a coincidence 3 years ago actually. I preformed cross country skiing at that time and heard some rumors about a fun race coming to Oslo called Toughest. So I joined it and did preform quite good. I went to Denmark 2 weeks later to do another race and placed top 5 in the Elite. I was then asked to join a professional team, and so I did.

Favorite race/obstacle:

My all-time favorite race is The RedbullConcuer The Castle!

I really like “The Wings”

How is Your training?

My training Is 1-2 sessions a day. 70 % is aerobe training and 15 % is anaerobe (running, skiing, roller-skiing cycling and swimming). The last 15 % is heavy strength training, core, obstacle technique/ grip strength and agilitytraing for runners.

Do you have a life motto?

I don’t have any special life motto but I often remind myself when making a hard or important decision to bace my choice on my own instinct and feelings rather than trying to impress or get acceptance from others.

Your goal for 2019:

I got lots of goals ahead, so I would say my main goal for 2019 would be to keep believe in myself and work hard to reach them.

22. december - Rebecca Hammond

Mari Weider

Its a little bit like Chrismas eve for me to present this girl! As we stood in the sun only short after I had finished my race in Lake Tahoe, there was the award seremoni for the elite at the big stage. We knew Lindsay had won…and we saw some of the other elite Girls standing there, but I had no idea who had the other two Places. Of course Zuzana had one of the Places, but when the 2nd girl was called this dark strange girl turned up. I looked at Superman, “Who is that?” Turnes out it was this girl, Rebecca, who started running OCR this year! WOW - just WOW! A real dark horse, and what a girl!! A month later I stood watching the elite Girls running past waiting for my turn to run in the OCRWC, then Rebecca ran past me - I was totally starstruck and blown away. This girl is just amazing, what an athlete, what a Physique! This girl is pure muscle, long legs and reminded me almost more of an animal there she ran past me. The long dark hair flowing, and she ran looking like she was just on a sunday stroll. Lucky us later that weekend we bumped right into her, and she was just as Nice as she was amazing, took her time to talk to the Girls, take Pictures - and now she has not only one mega fan in the Family, we are 3 Girls With a New rolemodel! …and Guess what - she is almost a little bit Norwegian…at least she has lived in Norway a few years ;)


Name, age and team/country:

Rebecca Hammond, 27, USA



What brought you into this sport:

I used to run mid distance (I ran for Idrettsklubben Tjalve for 2 years when I lived in Oslo!), but quit in med school because I got injured. I started rock climbing but missed the competition and endorphins of track. So I tried an obstacle course race and never looked back!

Favorite race

Spartan North American Championships in West Virginia! It was my first race >15km and was tied for the longest distance I had ever run in my life, so I really didn't know how it would go for me. As it turned out, I survived! And I loved the course - lots of short, steep, off-trail ups and downs made it so it wasn't boring even though it was longer than anything I'd run before.

Favorite obstacle/venue:

I loved jumping over the ditches at OCR WC this year! #simplepleasures

How is your training:

RIght now, I'm taking some time off from running and doing a bit of rock climbing. During this past season (my first OCR season), I aimed for three quality running workouts per week - one long run, one hill workout, and one threshold run. The other days I either did an easy run, crosstrained, or did no dedicated cardio. Later in the season I replaced hill reps with some track workouts (400 & 800 repeats) and added some carry workouts (bucket, sandbag). I also added a couple of lifting sessions per week.

Do you have a life motto you live by:

The best you can do is the best you can do.

Your goal for 2019:

Win World Championships!

21. december - Hilde Rørvik Nordstrand

Mari Weider

Its getting close to christmas, but I have so many more goodies for you. Today I am superproud to present to you one of Norways fineste elite girls. She is filled with energy 24/7, and I think I have never seen this girl without a smile on her face. She is fierce, filled with ambitions - but she is also fair and a good player. Her job is to keep people active, and in the spring/summer/fall you can join her bootcamps…but be awere -most of them includes hillclimbs! …and yeah…her nickname is Super-Hilde!!!


Hilde Rørvik Nordstrand, 30 years old- Norway



What brought me into this sport:

Randomly bumped into it- loved it after my first race! Which was Toughest Oslo in 2015

Favorite race:

Toughest and Barskingen

Favorite obstacle/venue:

Flying monkey/Holmenkollen-Oslo

My training:

I train 5-6 days a week in addition to my classes at work. Strength and running is what I do most. Skiing in the winter and mountain running in the summer.

Life mottto:

Live with fire! 😉

My goal for 2019:

Not sure yet. Win 1 race and manage the swing walk obstacle 🙂

20. december - Cecilie B Thomsen

Mari Weider

Finally I can proudly present to you Cecilie.  She is one of the Danish Girls…and we all know that the Danish are one step Ahead of us when it comes to OCR. Thanks to Claus and Carina in DOCRA the Danish are leading in Europe, and also in the world With a lot of amazing athletes. And Cecilie is one of them! Again, I cannot remember the first time we met, but we have Spartan in common, and last year we ran against eachother in the teamcompetition in OCRWC. She is a fantastic human, and a big smile. Always a joke or tree Down her sleeve, and it is impossible not to laugh when you are together With Cecilie. Again I say thank god we are not in the same division…but one can always “compete” against eachother on a friendly way anyhow :)


Cecilie Thomsen, 34 år, Danmark


@ ceciliebthomsen

How did you get into OCR?

I have always loved running, but needed something new, so I signed up for my first Nordic Race in 2015 and fell in love right away. I absolutely loved everything about the race and Nordic Race has been one of my favorite races ever since. They never stop developing and is still in muý opinion one of the most innovativ OCR races.

Favorite obstacle:

My favorite obstacle is Platinum Rig <3

Do you have any life motto?

I believe life is too short to not follow your dreams, so I live by: Love what you do, do what you love

Goal for 2019?

As I am entering a new AG in 2019 (35-39) I am looking forward to compete angainst some crazy cool ladies at OCREC & OCRWC

19. december - Sarah Greene

Mari Weider

Today we go Back to the Uk and this Sweet girl! She is humble and quiet, but inside she is a fierce girl! We first met up at Isle of Skye at the crazy event Agoge. As most of you maybe know, Joe got into My head and f*cked me up. But Sarah Went all the way and Even got the coin of honour at the end. I miss her like crazy and ate proud to present her to you guys!

Name, age and team/country:

Sarah. 30. UK.


What brought you into this sport:

I did my first ocr with friends in 2013. I wasn’t fast and I wasn’t strong but as soon as I finished, I was desperate to improve. I didn’t do another until a year later, but after a year of training and the buzz of seeing how I’d improved, I was addicted.

Favorite race:

Spartan Race. Normally in a foreign place (although I love Spartan UK!). I’ve been lucky enough to run Spartans in Mexico, Slovakia, Greece, Ireland and the US.

Favorite obstacle/venue:

Sparta! Favourite obstacle is a carry with an epic view.

How is your training:

Crossfit and running (with a running club).

Do you have a life motto you live by:

Do it because you can.

Your goal for 2019:

Keep having fun. Keep travelling and doing epic shit. Keep improving bit by bit.

18. december - Morgan McKay

Mari Weider

Hold on guys! Today is the blog visited by the amazing Morgan McKay or Worlds Toughest Morgan if you want. I started to follow Morgan after last years Ultra on Iceland which she won. I hadnt heard about her, and started to check out her pics and training - and was totally blown away. She is an amazing athlete and a true hero. This year I finally met her when we both came back to Iceland. She is supersweet and the biggest smile ever. This year she came in 2nd, but still a big smile. I must say it is a big honor to meet all this amazing athletes from around the world. After finishing 7 laps on Iceland myself, I know what a big achievement it is to finish 8, so I bow for these crazy girls. And btw - did you know that Morgan draws the coolest drawings from her races??

48422523_371420130291732_7521535191920148480_n (1).jpg

Drawing: Morgan McKay


Morgan Mckay, 30 from Canada.



How did you get into OCR?

I started OCR seven years ago. I didn’t used to be athletic and my cousin convinced me to do a Spartan Sprint. It was the hardest thing I had ever done, but I felt so accomplished when I finished that I became hooked!

Favorite race?

Favourite race: Worlds Toughest Mudder, it’s the ultimate challenge and I won’t stop trying until I win!

Favorite obstacle/venue?

Favourite obstacle is anything with rings, I love flying though it!

Favourite venue is Spartan Ultra in Iceland, nothing compares to running under the Northern lights!

How is your training? 

I have been training with YancyCamp for over 2 years now. It’s really taken my training to the next level. I am very consistent, and train around 1-3 hours a day, 6 days a week. I do a ton of incline work and tire drags for endurance.

Do you have a life motto you live by?

Life moto: “you can always take one more step” I also remind myself how lucky I am to be healthy and alive, and that I need to take full advantage and experience all of the amazing things life has to offer

Your goals for 2019?

My goals for 2019: Win WTM with 100miles 



17. december -Marie Kloster

Mari Weider

Here goes! One of my eldest OCR friends, we go way back to when I was a better OCR racer, and all the way up to today where I enjoy seeing how she has evolved to one of Norways finest racers! We have so many amazing memories, and have literally traveled the world together - Andorra, Morzinne, Lake Tahoe, Mallorca - and Rakkestad! Next year awaits the Dolomits, and I cannot wait to open 2019 and write so many more memories! Love you babe!

 Name, age and team/country:

Marie Kloster, 37, Team OCR Norway and HinnaFriidrett



What brought you into this sport?

I was a bored wife in search of a sport that I could use my energy, and I was lucky I got in contact with both Håkon Frahm Stokka and Mari Weider. I ran my first OCR race, Barskingen in May 2015, I had no clue what I signed up to and I ran with The Weiders… everybody that knows them, will understand that it’s not recommended to run your first ever OCR race with them! Haha but I survived, and were totally hooked, and has been racing ever since.

Favorite race:

Spartan Race, especially the Super distance

Favorite obstacle/venue:

Roman rings, monkeybar. I love races that has technical trail running, I think that is my favorite obstacle.

There are so many great venues that it’s hard to pick one, in Norway I must say Trolljeger`s venue in Sandnes and Barskingen and in Europe it`s Morzine and Edinburg.

How is your training:

I run a lot, almost every day; I have a very good running coach that helps me with my running program. Running is very important at OCR races, especially Spartan Races.

When it comes to the strengths training, I have to be careful; I have a joint disease, so there is a fine line between being ok and overdoing it. I mostly train body weight training and grip. My goal is to be stronger in 2019.

Do you have a life motto you live by:

Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional

Your goal for 2019:

Top 15 in Spartan Race European Championship, category elite.

Run a half marathon under 1.30

Run 10K under 40 min

16. december - Helle Skrataas

Mari Weider

Helle! My darling Helle! Were to start and were to end…or well I hope the adventures With Helle will never stop! Helle is my always smiling little monkey. She is amazing in the bouldring walls, at riggs and everywere she can hold on to something the rest of us probably cannot! She is one of the few Girls who kept there bracelet at the OCRWC 2018 and at the Eurochamps in 2017 she took bronze in her age catagory.

My most precious moment With Helle are With no doubt or trip to Spartan World champs in Lake Tahoe 2017. I was suppose to travel With Marie Kloster, but because she got sick, Helle stepped in on very short notice. And oh what fun we had. That trip will always shine like a Diamond in my heart. Another trip I also must mention, is the glamping trip With Superman at Aston Down in 2017! So much fun, and elite podium on Helle and me together!!!! Crazy stuff!



Helle Skrataas, 33 years old, Team OCR Norway



What brought you in to this sport:

I saw an evening show on Norwegian TV there one of the hosts and one non-athletic guest was challenged to run the Tough Viking winter edt. in Åre, Sweden. I saw their run and I thought, WOW! That looks though, I want to try!!

I googeled Tough Viking and discovered OCR! Ran my first OCR in May 2015, the Tough Viking at Tryvann in Oslo, it was cold, rainy, even snow in the air (in May!), but it was fantastic!! I managed all the obstacles and I was hooked.Since then I have run a lot of races and the good sportsmanship is just extraordinary for this sport! Everyone helps and cheer each other on throughout the course, and that makes me so happy!!

Favorite race:

There is hard to pick one! There are so many cool races and they all got their own charm! Since I love obstacles, I really like Bootcamp survivor, Toughest, the European Champs course and the world champs course, they are just packed with a lot of cool obstacles. But I also must mention Spartan races, the really make you work hard with lots of hills, carries and technical obstacles.

Favorite obstacle/venue:

Give me a multirig and I’m happy! Give me several rigs and I’m as happy as a little girl at Christmas!

How is your training:

I don’t really follow a plan or program with my training. I do what I like to do. So I run 2-3 times a week, trail running, interval running, and some times I run to/from work to squeeze in a little session on a busy day. I also love to climb, and that is excellent for your grip strength.  I climb 2-3 times a week, now in the winter it’s most sports climbing inside, but in the summer it’s outside, both sports and trad climbing. But I also go to the gym to improve or mostly maintain my body strength.

What I really fancy about this sport is that you must be an allrounder. It demands strength, endurance, agility, technique and mental strength, and that motivates me.

Do you have a life motto you live by:

I have lived, and I have learned a few things. The most important is that you are responsible for your own happiness! If you are not happy about where you are, only YOU can make a change to it. Do what makes you happy and surround yourself with people that loves you and respect you for who you are.

Your goals for 2019:

I will try to qualify for the OCR European and world championship 2019.

15. december - Lillian Dramsdahl

Mari Weider

When you read this I am probably on my way to celebrate my achievement on Iceland with this amazing girl and my first ocr crush Mona Strande. It is Monas Christmas party, and I think this is gonna be crazy fun….like it always is ;)

Lillian - were shall I start...she is so so dear to me. I really love this girl, and she is one of my biggest heros. Plus...every time I see her back, my eyes pop out, my chin falls down...and I start to drool! She just looks like a million bucks...and then some! One time I took a photo of her back when she climbed a rope, showed it to her - and she said “oh is that how I look? I have never seen my back before!” That is how Lillian is...”oh I haven’t tried that, I don’t know if I can do it....” and then she always (!) go and smash it! I don’t think there is one sport that Lillian hasn’t tried...and there is not much she doesn’t ace! I can talk for hours and hours about Lillian...and so can she :) Like in Tahoe when we were interviewed by Coach Joe Di...”I don’t know what to say”, she said....Hehe well that was the joke of the day, because it was Joe Di who didn’t got to say so much!! Lillian was way to bissy telling him about OCR, yoga and underwater rugby;)

My favorite moment with Lillian...I have no idea! I just collect every single one, put them deep into my heart and take them out when I need to smile! 


Name, age and team/country:

Lillian Dramsdahl, 45, Team OCR Norway, Norway



What brought you into this sport:

A friend of mine asked me to join her team for Viking Race in 2013. It was fun, but didn't make me do more runs. The awakening happened in 2015, when I was asked to join a team 2 days prior an X-run race. The race was so much fun! The two guys I ran with, were fantastic! They cheered me on the whole way and were at such a good spirit!! Those guys!! And there I met Mari!! After this encounter, I couldn't get enough of this sport!

Favorite race:

Spartan!! And because I am not a sprinter, they must be 12 km + +!

Favorite obstacle/venue:

Hills and carrying where I get so exhausted that I really feel live! I also enjoy combination obstacles (multi rigs), even though they by far are my strength. Mastering new obstacles outside my comfort zone gives me great pleasure!

How is your training:

Without a plan... A little bit of everything. Running, lifting weights, underwaterrugby, cycling my Fatbike, kettlebell, yoga, climbing... What makes me happy!!

Do you have a life motto you live by:

No, but I have learnt from a good friend to ask myself: Does this make you happy? So I do a lot of what makes me happy. And I also try to do good to others. I feel sad for all those who struggle in life. Both friends, and also my young students. I want them to be happy in life, and to be strong to handle life's struggles.

Your goal for 2019:

Not the same as in 2018, which was crazy!!! In 2019 I want to have fun!! I want to visit my brother and enjoy the mountains in Northern Norway with him both during winter and summer with Randonee, telemark skiing, ice- and rock climbing.  More scuba diving! Maybe some PRs in lifting weights. And of course more Spartan races!!! I want a Trifecta!!!!

14. desember - Rea Kolbl

Mari Weider

I cannot wait anymore. «Save the best for last» - or just bring her in the midle! Or who am I to say who is best or least I am a huge fan of this girl! I have seen her twice in Lake Tahoe, and just finally dared to go up to her and say «Hi» this december in Iceland. And guess what - she was totally as sweet and humble as everybody else!! Its so strange, because to me she is a big hero, but I guess she just sees herself as a normal girl. Still gave me lots of energy seeing her in the middle of the dark night in Iceland. Just a few weeks ago she won the worlds toughest mudder, and still came to Iceland to cheer on and help out in the changing areas!


Rea Kolbl, United States, Spartan Pro Team (but originally from Slovenia)



What brought you into this sport? 

I grew up as a gymnast but when I quit after 11 years I gained a lot of weight. To lose weight and get healthy again I picked up running and quickly fell in love with trails. After a few years of slowly building my running mileage, I came across a Spartan Race on groupon and did it with a few of my friends. I loved it but thought nothing more of it as a fun event, until I returned in 2016 and raced in Elite. I did really well and figured I'd give this sport a more serious try :) 

 Favorite race?

Spartan Killington Beast & World's Toughest Mudder

I guess I also like longer race - 8 hour Toughest Mudders are my favorite, but anything over 10 miles is fun.

Favorite venue/obstacle?

Killington & Tahoe. Favorite obstacle: Stacks (Tough Mudder) and Tarzan Swing (Spartan Killington exclusive)

How is Your training?

I run about 80-90 miles a week in the mornings, all an trails and with considerable elevation gain. In the afternoons I do OCR specific workouts that focus on upper body strength, heavy carry abilities, and general strength. Three times a week I follow Yancy Camp workouts; on the remaining 4 days it's a combination of strength, carry workouts, and cross training such as biking or low impact cardio machines.

Do you have a life motto you live by?

There's a silver lining in everything :)

Your goal for 2019?

Go through the season uninjured, have fun at (most) of the races, and be the first person to win WTM three times in a row


13. desember - Cathrine Mortvedt

Mari Weider

Lucky me who get to know so many amazing people through OCR! This girl I have followed on instagram for a while but first met her at Navy Race this year. And how sweet she was! A really good person, caring for everybody - and again so humble when it comes to her own achievements. She has worked out for many years, and has gotten to know her body well, and I think that is one of the big secrets to why the more grown up athletes still does so good in this sport. It demands so much on different levels, and when you really know your body good - you perform well too!

Name, age and team/country:

Cathrine Mortvedt, 40 years, Norway



What brought you into this sport:

The quest for new challenges. I wanted to try something new and different. I loved it for the first time

Favorite race:

It’s has to be the OCR world championship

Favorite obstacle/venue:

I’m a big fan of the rings

How is your training:

My workout is very versatile. I have a combination of running, strength-training and CrossFit during my week.

Do you have a life motto you live by:

I’m not training to be young, but old

Your goal for 2019:

To keep my wristband in the OCR world championship and to be in top 10 in my age group

12. desember - Nicola Callison

Mari Weider

I think many of you know that a big part of My heart has been left in the UK. Nicola has a little part of it. She is a supersweet girl, who is a machine on the course. We started together with Spartan races, but the last two years she has fallen more and more in love with endurance races, and travels around to run loooong. She had been in Australia, and the last two years attended the WTM! Lucky her! Maybe I might Get lucky and Get to run with her in that race one day! Until then - we always have UK - Thank god! 


Nicola Callison, 27, European reviewer for Obstacle racing media, Scotland🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿



What brought you into this sport:

I did a Spartan for fun in Edinburgh 3 years ago, I’d never realised OCR was even a sport! After one I fell in love and started competing properly in 2016/17

Favorite race:

True Grit Enduro, Sydney Australia

Favorite obstacle/venue:

Obstacle: Double Rainbow (Tough Mudder)

Venue: True Grit Enduro - the trails are super fun!

How is your training:

My training is very erratic due to my job- I’m an auditor/qualified accountant by day and it takes up ALOT of my time! But mostly I do hard HIIT circuit training, I don’t run as often as I should as I have so many knee and ITB issues that I find I can never keep up a structured running programme unfortunately (but most of the races I do well in fall into ultra distance OCR category purely because of my mental grit to get my head down and slog on- guess it’s not all about pounding the pavements getting the mileage in prep)

Do you have a life motto you live by:

‘What doesn’t challenge you won’t change you!’

Your goal for 2019:

Top 10 Pro women @ OCRWC Enduro

65 miles WTM/Top 15 female finish

11. desember - Toril Egner

Mari Weider

Finally we come to the girl that defined OCR girl crush for me. I first met Toril at Farm Ninja Challenge, but didnt talk so much with her. She was a shy and quiet girl. But the more time I spend with her the more respect I got for her. She is funny and Sweet - and eventually turns out to be quite a monkey! One day we were in Hinderskogen practicing for the OCRWC when she suddenly turns up. In 2XU tights that really looked smashing on her. She had me already there, with her long blond hair and big smile! We were playing with the stairways to heaven, and Superman did it his way. He took one step at the time with his hands, and then Toril said - that looked easy! Then she took off her jacket, still in her smashing tights and now a tight top too...and as I stood there drooling she flew up the stairs just like Superman. And I was like...”I’m in love!”

I am super proud to present to you this definition of OCR girl crush, a smashing hot woman, a strong and superb monkey!!! 


Toril Egner, 35, OCR Norway



What brought you into this sport?

I have always done a lot of different sports, skiing, climbing, swimming, but I’ve never been really good at anything. When I joined a colleague and his team at Toughest Holmenkolenin 2017 I had so much fun. I figured OCR is the perfect sport for me. Now I’ve done quite a lot of races this season and I love it even more. I want to see how good I can get.

Favorite race:

Toughest races, because I like technical obstacles. And I like the fast line concept.

Favorite obstacle:

Multi rigs, monkey bars


I think climbing and doing “ninja stuff” is the most fun. I have two girls, 8 and 10, and we do a lot of playing together. But I need to work on my running so I plan to run or go cross country skiing at least three times a week this winter.

Life motto:

Finding a balance between fun training, family life and just chilling.

Goal for 2019:

Top 20 at Toughest races, dear to do the flying monkey at races and run 10 k in sub 45. Try some new Norwegian races and also I would like to try a Spartan race.